Start Now, Not Tomorrow


In order to achieve something you never have, you must be willing to do something you have never done!

I have helped hundreds transform their body and minds, accomplishing things they never dreamed possible. I want to help YOU do the same!


“AJ recognized my desire to better myself and motivated me to lose 63 lbs. in just over a year.”


-Blake, 28

“My time working with AJ was some of the most difficult but rewarding times of my life. When I started working with AJ I was in the worst overall health of my life, weighing in at 293 lbs. Being a former athlete, AJ recognized my desire to better myself and motivated me to lose 63 lbs. in just over a year.

The best part about working with AJ is that he doesn’t just focus on weight loss. He understands life balance and helps you focus on health as a lifestyle, not just a number on the scale!

Whatever your health goals, AJ can help you achieve them!”


“I have lost a total of 77 lbs. and have packed on a lot of muscle. My blood pressure and cholesterol is perfect without medication. Testosterone has raised 230 points.” 


-Richard, 50

“Less than a year ago I was overweight and about as unhealthy as a person could be. I was on medicine for high blood pressure, cholesterol, and had low testosterone. I was also 6 months removed from a back surgery that was successful but was in the worst shape of my life. I tried for a couple of months on my own to start working out and eating low carb diet. I lost a total of 4 lbs. in 4 months. I realized I couldn't do this on my own. I desperately needed help. A gym buddy told me about Aaron of AJ Fitness. Aaron had generated him a successful workout and nutrition plan. I reached out to Aaron and right away I knew by talking to him that he was very knowledgeable and passionate about his job and decided to let him try and help me. Wow! One of the best life choices I ever made!

On March 4, 2019 I started AJ's workout and nutrition plan. Today on November 8, 2019 I have lost a total of 77 lbs. and have packed on a lot of muscle. My blood pressure and cholesterol is perfect without medication. Testosterone has raised 230 points. My Doctor was very impressed with my 6 month physical. He told me that I looked like a different person. But he was more impressed with the difference of my internal numbers. I tell him like I tell everyone that I couldn't have done this without AJ. I am currently still doing AJ's plans with new goals I never thought possible 8 months ago. I am very blessed to have found AJ. I will always be grateful for what he has done for me”


"I was on the borderline of being a diabetic …7 months later I had lost 81 lbs total…bench went from 220 to 315 lbs. Squat went from 405 to 515 lbs. Deadlift went from 450 to 600 lbs. This was all in one year "


-Jon, 27

“When I started the program I was 278 lbs. A few months before I started the Dr. told me I needed to lose 50 lbs, stop smoking, stop drinking, and stop eating red meat. I was on the borderline of being a diabetic according to the Dr. Within a month of starting the program I had lost 30 pounds, quit drinking, quit smoking, and I was feeling better every day. I continued to get stronger and lose weight. 7 months later I had lost 81 lbs. total. That’s when I decided I wanted to do strongman competitions.

AJ wrote a strongman program and I placed 3rd in my first competition out of 18 people. A month later I competed again and took 2nd place at KY Strong Classic. 2 months after that I won the Kentucky’s strongest man. All of my max attempts went up all year long as well bench went from 220 to 315 lbs. Squat went from 405 to 515 lbs. Deadlift went from 450 to 600 lbs. This was all in one year using AJ Fitness programs. Not just my physical health improved but also my mental health. I am a lot happier and more confident now as well. I can’t thank AJ enough for being a great coach and helping me crush my fitness and strength goals.”


“During this 12 week transformation I lost a total of 30 lbs. of fat. My body fat percentage decreased by over 20%.”


-Richard, 36

Going into this 12 week transformation contest I knew I would need someone to keep me accountable get results fast as possible. During this 12 week transformation I lost a total of 30 lbs. of fat. My body fat percentage decreased by over 20%.

AJ’s constant communication and feedback made the process feel obtainable. He was great with motivation and the push to reach my goals. His knowledge of exercise science application he uses to customize his programs will guarantee the results you desire.


“3 months later I got the results I craved…Because of his help I now have been competing and working out regularly for 2 years.”


-Emily, 29

When competing for the first time in Mrs. Kentucky America I knew I needed that winning bikini body. However I was no where near stage ready. I had never trained for a competition before, never set foot in a gym and had no clue about meal preparation. I knew I couldn’t get where I wanted on my own. I needed guidance. I needed someone to break it down step by step for me. 3 months later I got the results I craved!!!

AJ customized my meal plan, made adjustments as requested, and was encouraging throughout the entire process. Because of his help I now have been competing and working out regularly for 2 years. I feel more confident in the gym and have strengthened not only my body but my long time friendship with AJ! Thanks bunches!!


“My results keep me coming back. I’m stronger, more flexible, have better balance, and more importantly, working out have become part of my daily routine.”


-Amber, 37

I’ve been working with AJ for more than a year now and have seen amazing growth during that time. I am stronger and healthier than I’ve been in years. AJ is passionate about fitness and it shows throughout the sessions and the workouts he develops for his clients. His workouts are individualized and challenging, but never more than you can handle. His easy going, friendly personality creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. My results keep me coming back. I’m stronger, more flexible, have better balance, and more importantly, working out have become part of my daily routine. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, AJ will get you on the right track.


“I went from 325 lbs. to 265 lbs…He understands my schedule and constructs my routines and eating around my daily lifestyle.”


-Austin, 28

I have been working with AJ for over a year now and feel my absolute best. When we began my diet and training regimen he always encouraged me to do my best and always provided me with the knowledge and inspiration to make my goals a reality.

Furthermore, I went from 325 lbs. to 265 lbs. and still continue to fight for my goal of 245 lbs. He understands my schedule and constructs my routines and eating around my daily lifestyle to help me stay determined and on the right path by making adjustments when needed. I trust him completely and always do exactly as he says, and in return I receive all the benefits my body is fighting hard for.

Do yourself a favor and get in contact with AJ. Because, he will provide you with the knowledge and well thought diet and exercise regimens for success in whatever case it may be.


“20 years in the Army Special Forces left me with multiple injuries and in chronic pain…after 1.5 years with Aj… I am lighter, stronger, more mobile, and in less pain.”


-Bobby, 54

20 years in the Army Special Forces left me with multiple injuries and in chronic pain; while 15+ years in the corporate world left me weak, immobile, out of shape, and overweight. Flash forward after 1.5 years with AJ as my personal trainer; I am lighter, stronger, more mobile, and in less pain than I have been in 20+ years. No one size fits all cookie cutter approach to fitness; AJ tailors his product to the clients personal goals, needs and limitations. I highly recommend his services!


“A year later, I have lost 20 pounds and have never felt stronger and more fit in my life.”


-Chantel, 56

I started training with AJ in hopes of losing the weight I had gained in my 40’s and to regain the flexibility and stability I had lost over the years. A year later, I have lost 20 pounds and have never felt stronger and more fit in my life.

AJ is professional, personable, and has a genuine interest in my fitness and well being. He is always changing up the sessions to keep me motivated, as well as focusing on the entire body. His knowledge is not only limited to physical exercise but also in nutrition. I highly recommend AJ for anyone considering making a commitment to personal health and fitness.


“Today, I’m the strongest I have every been in my life, and I have far exceeded my own expectations for myself. I’m so proud of how far I have come in my fitness journey.”


-Catey, 32

AJ has been training me for over one and a half years now. Having a specific program made for me was important to me because as a curvy girl I couldn’t handle popular “ready-made” programs from other places.

He took into account my knee and lower back troubles and focused on getting me well by really tailoring my workouts to fit me. I believe that’s what helped me stick with it all this time. He looked at me as an individual and made the work hard, but never let it get beyond what he knew I could handle. Today, I’m the strongest I have every been in my life, and I have far exceeded my own expectations for myself. I’m so proud of how far I have come in my fitness journey, and I can honestly say I would have never got this far without his help. I recommend him to everyone I know, and I recommend him to you all as well. No matter your age, weight, physical abilities, or goals. He can get you started on your journey and be there to make sure you have what you need to get there and succeed.


“the nutrition and workout programming allowed my strength to increase as my fat/weight went down.”


-Caleb, 29

To say AJ has helped me is an understatement. The amount of knowledge this man possesses is very vast and detailed. What is even better he knows how to actually apply that knowledge and adapt it to each individual client. With my progress I started off at 210 pounds and am now steady at 190-192. I have not used any other supplements other than preworkout, multi-vitamins, and fish oil pills. No test booster, no fat loss pills, or anything of that nature. Just good old fashioned work and discipline. AJ had me progress over time to keep as much muscle as possible during my cut. It worked out great losing about 2 pounds a week and sometimes more. Even crazier is the nutrition and workout programming allowed my strength to increase as my fat/weight went down. Sure I had setbacks due to work/travel schedules but AJ never once scolded me or made me feel like I had failed. He remained encouraging, gave me advice on how to do better in the future, and even edited my program accordingly.

I had tried out 2 other coaches in the past and had nowhere near the progress with my weight and overall health as I have with AJ in my corner. Majority of coaches do cookie cutter routines they copy and paste to all their clients, or might make a couple things different and call it "individually designed". Not AJ. If you want someone who is not only going to create a nutrition and workout program to guide you to a lifestyle change then he is FOR SURE the guy. You will not regret it!!


“My average went from .330 to .480, my 60-yard dash went from 7.2 to 6.9, and my arm strength went up 7 mph. I knew then, his programs were legit. Thanks to him, I received many college scholarships."


-Michael, 21

When I got in touch with AJ about making me a strength and meal program, I was a sophomore in high school. I had played baseball and basketball since I was a kid, but I never truly understood what it took to take my game to the next level. Once I talked to AJ, I realized what I was missing. I needed to build strength. My sophomore year of high school, my average was .330. My arm strength and speed were average. I started AJ’s program after that season. During the next season I saw huge improvements. My average went from .330 to .480, my 60-yard dash went from 7.2 to 6.9, and my arm strength went up 7 mph. I knew then, his programs were legit. Thanks to him, I received many college scholarships.

Once I got to college, they gave us a training program to do. I realized I was not seeing many improvements, so I took the program to AJ, and he showed me everything that was wrong. He gave me another program, and I saw tremendous improvements once again. My bench went up 35 pounds, squat went up 50 pounds, and deadlift went up 50 pounds in 9 weeks. If it was not for AJ, I would have never played college baseball. I highly recommend AJ Fitness! He helped me continue to chase my dream, and he can do the same for you!